
New Updates to the SMS/800 TFN Registry® are Now Available!

To help simplify Toll-Free Number management and administration for our Responsible Organizations, new time-saving features have been added to the latest SMS/800 TFN Registry release. In our fast-paced world, having easy accessibility to reports and records helps drive performance and streamline decision-making. 

CAD/PAD Clear & Go:

Get more done in fewer clicks when working on a Customer Record (CAD) and/or a Pointer Record (PAD). Thanks to this new feature, CAD/PAD Clear & Go, you’ll experience a better workflow via the added ability to quickly change the Toll-Free Number (TFN) while staying on the same page. After you have retrieved a TFN on a CAD or PAD page, in the "Retrieve" section, you'll be able to change just the TFN, Effective Date and Effective Time fields with the "Clear" (X) icon next to the TFN field and/or you'll be able to clear everything for the retrieved TFN by simply selecting the "Clear" button. Please Note: If you selected the "Clear" (X) icon, it will change to a green checkmark.

LAD Visual Highligting:

Improve efficiencies with the addition of visual highlighting! This new feature allows users to quickly identify their search criteria within the LAD. This functionality is now available in the CAD and Template Record (TAD) pages.

Predictable and Efficient Tabbing:

Experience improved productivity with the addition of practical tabbing. The new function allows users to use the tab key to open a closed accordion which can streamline your keystrokes and minimize task-switching. This functionality is now available for CAD, Number Search and Reserve (NUS), Template Record (TAD), and the Summary and Details of Carrier Approval (SAP/DAP) pages within the SMS/800 TFN Registry User Interface (UI)*.

To learn more about this newly added functionality, check out our updated SMS/800 TFN Registry User Guide, which can be accessed via the SMS/800 TFN Registry UI* and within the Somos Portal Website**.

As always, the Somos Help Desk team is by your side and our subject matter experts are available to support your needs. Please email us at or you can call or text us at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1.

* Access to the SMS/800 TFN Registry UI is permission-based and not available to all users by default. In the event that you are not able to access the SMS/800 TFN Registry UI, please reach out to your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for further assistance.

** A valid Resp Org Login ID is required to gain access to the Somos Portal Website. In the event that you are not able to access the Somos Portal Website, please reach out to your Resp Org's Primary Contact and/or Company Administrator(s) for further assistance.



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