
Network and Discuss: New Summit Breakout Sessions

The Toll-Free User Summit is almost upon us! By popular demand, we’re hosting a number of Breakout Sessions to create an environment for you to network with your peers and collaborate with industry leaders. These will be conversations you won’t want to miss.

NOVEMBER 2, 2016 AT 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Evolving Toll-Free in an IP World

In this session, we will open conversations about the concerns and ambitions across the Toll-Free landscape. We will look at the evolution of Toll-Free to accommodate the IP based world of the future. Together, we will discuss the need to adapt and evolve in regard to location based routing, provisioning and distribution of IP enabling data, privacy and security, and more.

Journey to ROC Compliance

This session will focus on the challenges and the successes of meeting the upcoming ROC mandate.  We will discuss how the SMS/800 Intelligent Platform has been upgraded to streamline the ROC request process with its “Centralized ROC Feature,” and the many benefits this feature brings to the table, including an enhanced porting platform, integrated billing, analytics, and more.  This is your chance to ask your questions and gain valuable insights on how to make this transition a success for your business.

NOVEMBER 2, 2016 AT 10:45 AM -11:45 AM
The State of Texting to Toll-Free

If you have an interest in text enabling your Toll-Free Numbers, or just want to learn more about this exciting new opportunity, join us for a fast-paced and informative session on the recent developments in texting to Toll-Free. We’ll cover the current regulatory landscape, market changes, and the role of the Texting & Smart Services (TSS) Registry. We’ll talk about market opportunities, as well as adoption challenges, for this burgeoning innovative use for Toll-Free Numbers.

Building the Future: An SMS/800 Platform Discussion

Somos has launched an ambitious effort to reinvent the SMS/800 Platform. The future “Intelligent Platform” will embrace innovative technologies to expand our functionality and optimize your performance. In this platform discussion, the panel will address the following:

  • What the new platform means to your business
  • What is the value of the new APIs and how you can use them to enhance your business
  • What you will need to transition your business to the new platform

Participate in this conversation to voice your business needs so that we may help support your future growth.

Be part of the conversation at the 2016 Toll-Free User Summit in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida from November 1-3. Join peers, thinkers, innovators, and leaders as we work together to bring our industry into the exciting world of tomorrow.

Michelle Larsen
Michelle Larsen
SVP & Chief Customer & Growth Officer

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