Monday, September 23

Monday, September 23

1:00 PM
Registration Desk Open
3:45PM - 4:15PM
Power Session #1
4:30PM - 5:00PM
Power Session: Navigating IoT Regulations: Going Further Together in the Connected Devices Space

Get ready to explore the regulatory landscape shaping the future of connected devices. Join leading experts as they discuss key regulatory initiatives and their implications for businesses in the IoT space. You’ll gain valuable insights into how these regulations will affect your operations and learn strategies to navigate this evolving landscape. Don't miss this opportunity to understand how we can ensure a secure and compliant future for IoT technology.

5:15PM - 5:45PM
Power Session: Rich Messaging Revolution: Are You Ready to Transform Communication?

With Apple's announcement to support RCS, the evolution from SMS to Rich Communication Services (RCS) is gaining momentum. This shift promises to redefine how businesses and consumers engage through messaging. But as this revolution unfolds, are you prepared to keep up? Join us for an insightful signature conversation where industry leaders will explore whether Rich Messaging will replace SMS, what new features businesses can expect, how RCS enhances security, regulatory considerations and the impact on omnichannel customer communications.

Eli Katz, XConnect
Jason Lunn, Cisco
6:00PM - 6:30PM
Power Session: Future-Proofing Toll-Free Numbers: Empowering Businesses for Long-Term Success

Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) are a trusted tool for connecting your business with customers. At the 2024 Somos Summit, explore how we can collaborate as an industry to future-proof TFNs and stay ahead in an evolving digital landscape. Hear from leading experts on the value of TFNs and the innovative strategies that ensure their effectiveness, build trust and drive your business success.

7:00PM - 9:00PM
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 24

Tuesday, September 24

7:30AM - 9:00AM
Networking Breakfast
9:00AM - 12:30PM
General Session
9:20AM - 10:05AM
Opening Keynote

Noelle shares her expertise on AI, Web3, and Cloud technologies, providing real-world examples and actionable insights. As an award-winning technologist, she helps organizations embrace emerging AI technologies that are transforming not only the way we live, but also how we do business.

Noelle Russell
10:05AM - 10:35AM
Fireside Chat with the FCC: Strengthening Enforcement Efforts in Telecom 

Join us for an insightful Fireside Chat with Loyaan Egal, Chief of Enforcement at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as we delve into the latest enforcement efforts aimed at protecting the integrity of the telecom industry. This discussion will cover key initiatives, challenges and strategies for combating fraud and ensuring compliance. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to uncover how the FCC is taking bold steps to safeguard consumers and businesses, ensuring a more secure and trustworthy telecom landscape! 

11:05AM - 11:40AM
Building a Trust Framework: Empowering Telephone Identities for End-to-End Call Authentication

Join us for a pivotal session where industry experts will discuss the critical role of a Trust Framework in enhancing the integrity and reliability of telecom communications. Explore the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in creating a seamless, end-to-end authentication process that fortifies trust between enterprises and consumers. Gain insights from thought leaders who are shaping the future of telecom security and learn how a well-designed Trust Framework can address current vulnerabilities and pave the way for more secure and trustworthy communications.

11:40AM - 12:10PM
Securing the Future: Enhancing Multichannel Customer Engagement

With Apple's launch, RCS will soon reach a significant majority of the U.S. market. Meanwhile, OTT applications like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are gaining traction in global markets, including the U.S. The integration of AI is facilitating scalable, connected conversations. In a multichannel world striving for omnichannel success, are these developments bringing us closer to true omnichannel nirvana or are they increasing greater brand costs and exposing new vulnerabilities to fraud? Business messaging authorities will delve into how these trends are reshaping customer expectations. They’ll uncover new opportunities for engagement and growth, explore the challenges service providers face in securing these new channels and reveal what it takes to thrive in this next phase of digital customer interaction.

12:30PM - 2:00PM
Networking Lunch
1:30PM - 2:05 PM
One Year Later: Strengthening Alliances & Combating Fraud with the Financial Industry

As fraudsters increasingly exploit voice and text channels, it’s crucial for the telecom industry to collaborate with other sectors to combat fraud and protect consumers. At the 2024 Somos Summit, we will bring together financial industry experts who first came together at this very event last year to tackle the most urgent fraud-related challenges facing financial institutions. We’ll focus on sharing the successes of these collaborative efforts over the past 12-months and discuss what lies ahead for continued movement, including practical strategies for reducing monetary losses, preventing identity theft and restoring consumer trust.  Learn how a unified approach can improve fraud prevention, safeguard financial assets and enhance the overall security of communications and financial transactions. 

2:05PM - 2:40 PM
Empowering Users: Advanced Fraud Protection and Growth Opportunities Leveraging Telecom Data

Fraudulent activities threaten the telecom industry, eroding trust and causing significant financial losses. Advanced fraud mitigation strategies are crucial to protect and ensure a safer experience for both enterprises and consumers. Join this session to discover how Somos is dedicated to not only safeguarding the telecom industry but also providing critical data to unlock growth potential and protection. Learn from real customers who have successfully implemented \powerful Somos data toenhancesecurity and efficiency for their organization and its consumers. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how Somos’ suite of solutions can benefit you directly by transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

2:40PM - 3:10PM
Harnessing the Power of Data: Transformative Data Sharing in Telecom 

As telecom continues to evolve, the ability to effectively share and utilize data becomes increasingly crucial. This session will focus on how data sharing can unlock new opportunities for growth, improve service delivery and strengthen the trust between telecom providers and their customers.  Experts from across the telecom sector will discuss best practices, share real-world success stories, and examine the strategic advantages of data sharing. Discover how a collaborative approach to data can lead to more informed decision-making, greater operational efficiency and a more robust and trustworthy telecom ecosystem. 

3:40PM - 4:10PM
Closing Keynote

Sam goes into the most exciting topics of tomorrow, from artificial intelligence to meta-science and beyond. She empowers organizations with emerging technologies that will help them clear future hurdles with ease and confidence.

Sam Jordan
4:30PM - 6:30PM
Knowledge Bar Expo & Networking Event
7:00PM - 10:00PM
Farewell Event
Agenda subject to change.