
Reassigned vs. Disconnected Numbers: What Every Business Needs to Know

Reassigned vs. Disconnected Numbers: What Every Business Needs to Know Effective communication is crucial for businesses to maintain strong relationships with their customers. However, one of the common challenges that organizations face today is ensuring they are reaching their intended recipient, especially with the dynamic nature of phone number assignments. This is where the Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) comes into play, and Somos' RealAgent offers a powerful solution to help organizations access and utilize this critical resource. 

The Importance of the Reassigned Numbers Database 

The Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) is a valuable tool designed to help organizations avoid calling phone numbers that have been disconnected and potentially reassigned to new users. By utilizing the RND, businesses can ensure they are not inadvertently contacting individuals who have not consented to receive their communications. This is especially important for compliance with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which imposes strict penalties for contacting consumers without proper consent. The RND helps mitigate these risks by providing up-to-date information on the status of phone numbers. 

Disconnected Numbers vs. Reassigned Numbers 

To understand the functionality of the RND, it's essential to differentiate between disconnected numbers and reassigned numbers: 

  • Disconnected Numbers: These are phone numbers that are no longer in service. This disconnection occurs when a subscriber terminates their phone service, either voluntarily or involuntarily. During the disconnection phase, the number is not assigned to any subscriber and is typically placed in a holding period for a minimum of 45 days before it can be reassigned to another subscriber. The RND tracks these disconnected numbers to prevent organizations from contacting the new phone number subscriber inadvertently. 
  • Reassigned Numbers: After the holding period, disconnected numbers can be reassigned to new subscribers. A reassigned number was previously in service with a different user and now belongs to a new subscriber. The reassignment can lead to issues such as misdirected calls or messages if the previous owner’s contacts are not updated. 

How Somos' RealAgent Helps Organizations Access the RND 

Somos' RealAgent is an innovative solution that acts as a seamless interface for organizations to access the Reassigned Numbers Database to identify if a phone number has been disconnected. RealAgent simplifies the process of querying the RND and parsing out the returned data, ensuring businesses have accurate and actionable information. 

Key Features of RealAgent: 

  1. Easy Integration: RealAgent offers straightforward integration with existing systems, allowing businesses to query the RND without extensive technical overhead. 
  2. Accurate Data Parsing: RealAgent efficiently parses the returned data from the RND, providing clear insights into which numbers are disconnected and ensuring businesses can make informed decisions. 
  3. Compliance Assurance: By leveraging RealAgent, organizations can stay compliant with regulations like the TCPA, reducing the risk of costly penalties and maintaining customer trust. 

By leveraging RealAgent to gain access the RND, organizations can verify the disconnect status of phone numbers before initiating contact. This verification process helps ensure that communications are directed to the intended recipients, minimizing the chances of reaching individuals who have not provided consent.  

RealAgent's ability to accurately parse RND data means that businesses can efficiently update their contact lists, removing disconnected numbers and focusing their efforts on valid contacts. This not only enhances compliance but also improves the overall effectiveness of communication campaigns.  

Ensure you are calling your intended recipients, reduce your regulatory risks and enhance customer satisfaction with RealAgent

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