
Protect Your Contact Center Against Fraud Using DNO!

Contact centers stand at the forefront of risk against bad actors and fraudulent activity due to their scale of operations. With customer experience expectations higher than ever, missed or ignored calls can lead to lost revenue, a bad reputation or even worse. Safeguarding your brand integrity while ensuring your agents' time is spent answering the calls that matter is of utmost importance.  

How can you verify the legitimacy of phone calls and text messages coming into your contact center and weed out the bad actors leveraging these channels for ill intent? You can start with Somos’ RealNumber® Do Not Originate (DNO). 

With RealNumber DNO, contact center agents gain access to a robust database of over 6 billion Toll-Free and local numbers that have been identified as DNO and should never originate calls or texts. By preventing calls from non-originating numbers from getting through to agents, RealNumber DNO can help save time, increase efficiency and help get you to your real customers faster. 

Utilizing a DNO list can benefit contact centers by: 

  • Streamlining Contact Center Operations: designed to identify and block unwanted calls, helping to streamline operations and protect against fraud. 
  • Strengthening Brand Integrity and Customer Trust: Reinforce your brand’s integrity, enhance customer trust, and maintain secure communication channels. 
  • Preserving Integrity of Analytics Data: Fraudulent calls can also skew your metrics. Working with misrepresented analytics can cause businesses to sink money into channels and activities that aren’t producing real results. 
  • Make more time for your most valuable asset, your customer: When agents are wasting time answering calls from scammers, prerecorded messages, etc., they are also often depleting the energy and bandwidth needed to effectively answer calls from REAL prospects and customers. 
  • Reduce wait times for customers: More call volume means longer wait times. When agents are wasting time fielding spam calls, they are also taking longer to answer the RIGHT calls from REAL customers. 
  • Save money: Unwanted calls cost money, both in terms of agent time and per-minute charges. Missed and/or abandoned calls from legitimate customers can lead to lost sales opportunities and with them, lost revenue. 

Watch a clip from our recent webinar to learn more about how RealNumber DNO can help keep your contact centers safe from fraud, saving you valuable time, effort and resources


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