Driving Trust in Communications

The plan to reduce fraud and increase confidence in telecom.

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Our Turn to Take Action:

From banking to air travel to grocery stores, nearly all of the most important industries and institutions in our everyday lives rely on frameworks of trust to operate. In the telecom industry, initiatives like STIR/SHAKEN have helped to set the foundation for a trusted framework. However, there is still work to be done. Until now, the telecom industry has yet to consistently deploy the systems and practices to ensure reliable interactions through the calling path. And because of this, fraud has thrived.

What can we do as an industry to help close the trust gap?


Increasing Telephone Identity Verification

In response to the ongoing challenge of fraud in telecom, Somos is introducing the Trust Framework. This framework sets forth a series of practices, standards and procedures designed to authenticate the right-to-use for phone numbers, ensuring the legitimacy of phone-based interactions.


What’s Possible with a Unified Framework

Restored Trust
Restored Trust

across the Toll-Free ecosystem

Successful Connections
Successful Connections

between users and the brands they trust


against new forms of fraud

A New Framework to Authenticate Calls and Restore Reliable Connections

Widespread fraud and distrust are proliferating at every level of the telecom landscape. Customers, enterprises and providers all suffer the consequences. While regulators are taking action, the time is ripe for a unified industry movement toward a shared framework — one that can verify right-to-use for numbers, and carry calls safely from origination through termination.  

The Trust Gap Impact


Losing money, missing vital communications


Suffering losses and reputation damage


Facing growing distrust

Responding with Action!

Read more about Somos’ vision for a unified and trustworthy telecom future in this Op-Ed from CEO Gina Perini. 

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Responding with Action!

The world is calling for a solution:

12% increase in telecoms-related fraud losses in 2023
$39B lost worldwide to fraud last year
$2.7B lost to imposter scams

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